Thursday 23 September 2010

Our Group.

I am pleased that I have some good friends working with me on this Project.
Our group consists of myself, Jack Draper, Glenn Osborne and Matt Rodi.

I have known Jack for around 7 years now, so we know exactly how each other work, and know of each others strengths. We have been in the same design classes since we met, so have a good knowledge of Graphic and Computer design. He is a keen designer, and a talented artist.

Glenn also went to the same school as myself and Jack, only a couple of school years above us. We met in the very first Semester of our course, and after having alot in common, became good friends. Glenn is a skilled designer, and a hard worker, and this shows in his work. We have worked together as a group of 3 for the previous 3 yeard in all our group work models, and we feel this will help us again this time when it comes to group work.

Our final member is Matt. We only met Matt this year, although we have shared some modules throughout our course. Matt seems keen to work as part of a group, and seems to have a good knowledge of the 3D software. He brought some good intial ideas to the table when we were brainstorming in our first group session. We welcome him to the group!

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