Wednesday 1 December 2010

Learning New Things - Particle System

For the Car scene, we wanted to make it as realistic as possible.
For it to look realistic, we wanted to add smoke behind the car as it drifts around the corner.
I googled possible ways of making this happen, and it appeared that the most popular way of doing this is to use the Particle System that is built into 3DSMAX.
I found a tutorial here:

We changed the settings around so that we could achieve tyre smoke as opposed to cigarette smoke, which is what the tutorial gave information on.
After playing with it for around 3 hours, we managed to achieve the desired smoke effect, and so we linked it to the car, so that when the car moved, the smoke would move also. We also changed the life of the smoke, so that it dispersed as the car moved around the corner.

We feel that this really adds to the drift effect of the scene, and I am delighted that we have learned something new in this project. This is something that none of us have ever used before, and I really think the result came out good.
Here are some screen shots of our Particle System.

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