Tuesday 5 October 2010

Change of Plan

At this stage in the game, we spoke to Jo Bowman about our idea.
However, she stated to us that around 10 other groups all had the same idea as us and were going to use it also.
We felt extremely disheartened by this, as we though we had come up with a unique idea for our project.
We decided to change our idea all together.
No longer would we go for simple renders for our animation. We were now aiming to out do everyone else, and create high quality, realistic renders, to our best ability.
We scrapped the revolving earth idea also, and found inspiration for our new idea from such adverts as Visit New Zealand. In these adverts, a showcase of locations is put infront of you, with a calming soundtrack. We wanted to recreate one of these for Essex.
This was our new idea, and away we went!

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