Friday 1 October 2010

Basic Models.

As we would be showing various places around Essex, I decided a good way for the viewer to identify each location would be to include place signs in the scenes.
I started with a Chelmsford Sign.
This would then act as a base for each time we add a new place to the animation, all that would need to be change would be the material which is placed on the model.
To create the sign, I started with a box, that I made extremely flat.
I ensured that the largest face dimentions were of rough size of the real thing.
This would make it easier when applying the material.
I then created a long cyclinder, which would act as a leg for the sign. I then cloned this shape.
These two shapes were then moved into position as the legs for my sign. These were then attached to the main panel, so that if the object is moved, all parts move accordingly.
I then used an image of the actual sign used around Chelmsford as the material for my sign. I cropped and corrected the image orientation in Photoshop, before applying it to my model in the material editor.
For the legs, I applied a Satin Grey finish, which replicates the dull grey finish on most sign post legs.

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