Saturday 20 November 2010

Airfield Scene

As Glenn was creating the Car seen for NorthWeald, I created the Plane one.

I started up a fresh MAX file and imported my spitfire into the scene.
I then set about creating the floor first.
I created one plane that would act as the airstrip itself, and another larger plane that would act as the surround grass.

I then created a Sphere for the surrounding background. The reason for choosing a sphere is so that there is no corners when it comes to renders, and no chance of gaps in the scene, which would look very unprofessional.

I managed to use the same grass material for the grass in this scene as i did for the Hadleigh scene. However, i did change the brightness and hue slightly in photoshop so that it did not look the same, and tied in better with the evening theme of the Airstrip scene.

For the airstrip, I used a default Asphalt material found in the MAX maps, however I changed it up slightly in photoshop also, and added a strip down the centre.
Once this was inserted into max, I used the UVW map tool to orientate it correctly, so that it tile down the runway.

I then placed the runway plane extremely close but still slightly above the grass plane.

To add an extra effect, I added small omnis down the entire length of the strip, giving the illusion of runway lights at an airstrip. Northweald may not have these, but I thought that it gives a better impression of an airfield than if they were not there.

Light for the entire scene is again supplied by an Omni floating high above the rest of the scene but still inside the sphere.

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