Wednesday 17 November 2010

UVW Unwrapping

To create the most realistic Spitfire possible, I decided to use UVW Unwrapping, much like my head model, to achieve the best maeterial wrap possible.
As you can see from the images below, after first unwrapping my model, my mesh was rather a mess. However, I did try and work with this, and create a material for this mesh using photoshop. I completed the material, and brought it back into 3DSMAX. However, it did not come out aswell as I had hoped, and so I went back and changed my mesh.
It took me around 10 hours to stitch the mesh together, and ortietate it correctly, due to the small parts of the mesh that were scattered around the page.
However, once i had completed the mesh, making a material for it came alot easier.
I was now able to use images of actual spitfires as opposed to a camo material I was using previously to create my material.

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