Tuesday 2 November 2010

Tyre Barrier

To go with the Northweald Motorsport scene, I created a Tyre Barrier that will be placed at the side of the track.
As most people will know, tyres are used as barriers in most racing car events, as they provide protection for the car and the driver as opposed to a concrete barrier.

To create the individul tyre, I used the same method as I did for Hadleigh Castle. I create a Cylinder, and deleted the middle polygons. Instead of stitching it together, i left the inside open, as the inside would not be seen.

I then applied a tyre material to the outside. I found 3 different tyre materials in the default images on MAX.
I cloned the original tyre a number of times until I had a substantial tyre wall. I then applied each material randomly to different tyres. To make sure the material fit properly to each tyre, i used a UVW Map.

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