Wednesday 24 November 2010

Visit Essex Scene

I wanted to create an actual scene for the title of Visit Essex, as opposed to putting a title on top of our video.
I decided on a statue theme.
I wanted to create the Visit Essex title as if it were a statue, set in a field in Essex somewhere.

For this, I started by creating planes for the scene to be based around. I created one plane for the field, and one plane for the sky and background. I then slightly modified the field pl;ane so that it sloped up towards to the background scene at the rear of the scene.

Now it was time to create the statues.
I used the font tool to write our my title.
I then converted these into an Editable Poly, so that the letters could be made 3D.
I extruded the letters to a substantial depth.
I now had the title in 3D form.
From here, I used the Element tool, and selected each letter individually.
I then jumbled up the letters a small amount, so that they appear to be leaning on each other to keep themselves up.
Now that I had my statues in places, I could move onto lighting.
For lighting, I used Omni lights, as these give a nice soft light, and as I wanted this scene to be an evening time scene, the Omnis give a defocusing effect on things around them, just like real soft sunlight gives.
I added one Omni to the rear of the scene to give the whole secen a soft light.
To this Omni, i gave a glow lens effect so that you can see it once renders. These gives the illusion of the sun. I coloured it accordingly so that it looks like a setting sun.
Aswell as this omni, I added another one just infront of the title, yet not as strong as the other. This just lights up the title so that is can be viewed from the front. If this Omni were not here, the front of the title would be cast in shadow as the sun Omni is placed at the rear of the scene.

I then thought that the scene didn't seem complete, so I imported my Spitfire into the scene, which brings my total Spitfire scenes to 3.
This ties with the rest of the scenes, and gives the animation a short storyline.
The spitfire flies over the title and then off screen.

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